ConfigurationThemeColorsColor ModesStyles syntax

Color Modes

Color modes makes it easy to change the color mode of your website, including support for dark and light modes.

Enable color modes

To enable color mode you should set the useColorModes flag to true in your theme configuration:

export default {
    useColorModes: true,
    // ...other configuration

Defining colors

Color modes are configured in the colorModes field of your theme configuration. Use the key for the color mode name and a nested object for providing the custom colors for the color mode.

import colors from "@siimple/colors";

export default {
    useColorModes: true,
    colors: {
        text: colors.gray["700"],
        background: "#fff",
        // ...other colors
    colorModes: {
        dark: {
            text: "#fff",
            background: colors.gray["800"],
        // ...other color modes
    // ...other configuration

In the previous example, we are defining a new color mode dark that will change the text and background colors when enabled.

Manually enable a color mode

Add an attribute data-color-mode to the <html> tag with the color mode to apply. For example, if you define the dark color mode in your configuration file, you can enable it adding a data-color-mode="dark" in your <html> tag:

<html data-color-mode="dark">
    <!-- ... -->

You can use JavaScript to change the color mode in runtime:

const setColorMode = mode => {
    document.querySelector("html").dataset.colorMode = mode;

// Change the color mode

Enable Dark mode automatically

You can easily enable the dark (or light) color mode automatically based on the user color preference using the prefers-color-scheme media query.

Note that not all browsers supports the prefers-color-scheme media. You can check the browser compatibility there:

Using the useColorModesMediaQuery flag

We also provide an additional flag called useColorModesMediaQuery to automatically use the prefers-color-scheme media query to enable the color mode based on the user configuration.

Just set to true the useColorModesMediaQuery in your configuration file (note that the useColorModes flag is also required):

export default {
    useColorModes: true, // Required!!!
    useColorModesMediaQuery: true,
    // Configure your color modes
    colorModes: {
        dark: {
            // ...dark color mode configuration
        // ...other color modes
    // ...other configuration

Using JavaScript

You can use the matchMedia function of JavaScript to check if the document matches the (prefers-color-scheme: dark) media query and enable the dark color mode based on the user preference.

There is an example using the setColorMode function previously created:

// Use matchMedia to check the user preference
const prefersDark = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");

// Initially enable dark mode
setColorMode(prefersDark.matches ? "dark" : "light");

// Add event listener to color mode changes
perfersDark.addListener(() => {
    setColorMode(prefersDark.matches ? "dark" : "light");

Designed and maintained with by @jmjuanes.

Code is licensed under MIT, documentation under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Currently v4.3.1