
Core modules for the siimple CSS toolkit.

This package is included in the main siimple package and a separate installation is not required.


$ npm install --save @siimple/modules


This module is already integrated in the build process of the siimple main package, so you do not need to use the injectModules function.

You can use the injectModules function to inject core modules in your configuration, using the modules field of your configuration object:

import {css} from "@siimple/core";
import {injectModules} from "@siimple/modules";

const result = css(injectModules({
    modules: [
    // ...other configuration



Returns a new configuration object with the styles of the modules specified in the config.modules field of the provided configuration. The following values for the config.modules field are allowed:

  • Array of strings, to specify only the module's styles that will be injected in the configuration.
  • Object where the keys are the modules names and the values have a falsy value, to specify the modules that will be skipped.
  • A falsy value (for example false or null), to skip all modules.


Use this function to create new custom helpers. The options argument is an object with the configuration of the helper.


import {css} from "@siimple/core";
import {createHelper} from "@siimple/modules";

const result = css({
    // ...other configuration
    styles: {
            prefix: "is",
            states: ["default"],
            responsive: false,
            properties: ["textDecoration"],
            values: {
                "underlined": "underline",
                "not-underlined": ["none", "!important"],
        // ...other styles

// Will generate the following styles:
// .is-underlined {text-decoration: underline;}
// .is-not-underlined {text-decoration: none !important;}

The options object accepts the following keys:

  • prefix: prefix for the helper, for example is or has. Default is an empty string "". This field is required if no shortcut is specified.
  • shortcut: shortcut name of the helper, for example you can use m as a shortcut for margin helpers. Required if no prefix are specified.
  • states: an array for generating additional helpers to match states like hovering or focus. Allowed values in the array: "default", "hover" and "focus".
  • responsive: a boolean to generate also responsive helpers based on the breakpoints specified in the configuration. Default is false.
  • properties: a list of CSS properties for the helper.
  • values: an object list of values to assign to the list of properties. The object key will be used as the helper name, and the value will be used as the CSS property value.


MIT License.

Designed and maintained with by @jmjuanes.

Code is licensed under MIT, documentation under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Currently v4.3.1